Embark on a journey through the extraordinary enclave known as "Codename City with infinite life," a visionary masterpiece meticulously shaped by Urbanrise, the vanguard of real estate development in South India. Tucked away in the serene landscapes of Kanakapura Road, Hobli, Gangasandra, Bengaluru, and in close proximity to the esteemed BGS International School, this sprawling 24-acre oasis unfolds 219 meticulously designed villas that seamlessly fuse together aesthetics, functionality, and indulgence. Immerse yourself in a world where every detail has been carefully considered to create an unparalleled living experience.
In our exclusive enclave, we present a selection of two distinct villa designs, both generously offering expansive 4 BHK layouts. One of these layouts stands out with an extra room, a versatile space ready to transform into your personalized haven – be it a home office, study, library, or even a serene yoga studio. What truly sets this project apart is our steadfast dedication to avant-garde construction technology and modern design, resulting in a living space that encapsulates a vision of futuristic opulence
Our idyllic setting invites you to discover a world where every detail has been thoughtfully curated to enhance your living experience. Luxurious glamping sites, hammocks, and campfire zones offer perfect spots for picnics, creating memorable moments surrounded by the beauty of nature.
Embrace the beauty of our edible garden, adorned with native fruit trees, and unwind at the bird-watching and fishing deck. With over 1500 trees gracing our community, every corner is a testament to our commitment to green living. Each villa comes with its own space for organic gardening, allowing you to connect with the earth and cultivate your own piece of paradise.
At Urbanrise Codename City with Infinite Life, we go beyond building homes – we craft a lifestyle that harmonizes sustainability, nature, and contemporary living. Join us on this extraordinary journey, where boundless moments of happiness await you, your family, and your friends. Step into a home that welcomes you to a life of endless bliss. Welcome home!