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How it works
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  • Register with your phone number today!
  • Verify your account using the one-time password (OTP) sent to your phone.
Share Property Details
  • Provide property Type, Location, Rooms, Amenities - All Included!
  • Great pictures, Great Results- Upload Your Property Photos & Shine
Review & Submit
  • Carefully review the details of your listing.
  • Accept the terms and conditions
  • Click "Submit" and await confirmation. Congratulations, Your property is now listed!
Frequently Asked Question

You can post residential properties for rent, lease, or sale, including flats, houses, and plots.

Yes, a listing is free and you can post unlimited properties.

Provide property type, location, size, number of bedrooms/bathrooms, amenities, descriptions, and high-quality photos.

You can upload up to 6 photos.

Yes, log in to your account to edit your listing anytime.

Your contact details are kept confidential, and communication is done through a secure platform. Please review the privacy policy for more information.